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2023-11-04 14:36:13 +08:00
陈不渡 - 博观约取
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< span > css奇技淫巧< / span >
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< p > grid 布局
flex 布局操纵的是一维、一行& #x2F;一列, grid 布局具备操纵二维的能力
设为网格布局以后, 容器子元素( 项目) 的float、display: inline-block、di...< / p >
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< span > Git< / span >
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< p > GIT 最佳实践GIT 本质是一个数据库,用来存代码的
工作区: 一个沙箱环境, GIT 不负责管理,你尽管在沙箱里面对文件进行操作
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< span > jQuery< / span >
< / div >
< p > 基础在 window 对象中挂载了 $和jQuery
window.$ = window.jQuery;
模块化原始写法只要把不同的函数(以及记录状态的变量)简单地...< / p >
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2023-11-10 13:57:47 +08:00
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< span > Unity Shader入门精要< / span >
< / div >
< p > 代码基于c#,书籍 Unity Shader入门精要
什么是 OpenGL、DirectX用于渲染二维或三维图形。可以说, 这些接口架起了上层应用程序和底层 GPU 的沟通桥梁。一个应用程序向这些接口发...< / p >
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2023-11-10 13:57:47 +08:00
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< span > wsl2< / span >
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< p > 安装 wsl前置条件, 主板 bios 开启 intel 虚拟化
ms app store如果打不开、转圈 -& gt; 关闭小飞机,也可以试试 改 ipv4 host
window...< / p >
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2023-11-10 13:57:47 +08:00
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< span > 码场悟道< / span >
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< p > 模板引擎严格的模板引擎的定义,输入模板字符串 + 数据,得到渲染过的字符串。实现上,从正则替换到拼 function 字符串到正经的 AST 解析各种各样,但从定义上来说都是差不多的。字符串渲染的性能...< / p >
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2023-11-10 13:57:47 +08:00
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2023-11-06 16:05:27 +08:00
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< span > 11-06 15:56:40< / span >
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< span class = "icon status tip right" data-tip = "In Progress" > < svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < g fill = "none" stroke = "currentColor" stroke-width = "2" stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-linejoin = "round" > < path d = "M4 20h4L18.5 9.5a1.5 1.5 0 0 0-4-4L4 16v4" > < / path > < path d = "M13.5 6.5l4 4" > < / path > < / g > < / svg > < / span >
< span > 领域驱动设计< / span >
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< p > 参考文献
蚂蚁金服数据体验技术团队 - 领域驱动设计
美团 - 领域驱动设计在互联网业务开发中的实践
基于 DDD 的前端项目架构设计与实战
React 语境下前端 DDD 的思考
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2023-11-06 13:46:32 +08:00
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2023-11-06 13:46:32 +08:00
2023-11-06 14:37:35 +08:00
< span > 有效对话指南< / span >
2023-11-06 13:46:32 +08:00
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2023-11-06 14:37:35 +08:00
< p > 卡耐基说过:要说服别人同意你的观点,你就要让他觉得这是他自己的观点。也就是说,本质上没有人真正被别人说服,听或者不听都是他们自己的主动选择
或者按我们说...< / p >
2023-11-06 13:46:32 +08:00
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2023-11-04 14:36:13 +08:00
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2023-11-04 14:36:13 +08:00
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< span > 11-06 13:20:01< / span >
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2023-11-06 14:37:35 +08:00
< span > 走神< / span >
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2023-11-06 14:37:35 +08:00
< p > 走神可以让我们活在任何时候,唯独不能活在当下。分心走神的原因,无非”当下太无聊、当下太痛苦”,因为身体受困于现实,只好让神思天马行空!
...< / p >
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2023-11-10 13:57:47 +08:00
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2023-11-06 13:46:32 +08:00
< span class = "icon status tip right" data-tip = "Done" > < svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < g fill = "none" stroke = "currentColor" stroke-width = "2" stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-linejoin = "round" > < circle cx = "12" cy = "12" r = "9" > < / circle > < path d = "M9 12l2 2l4-4" > < / path > < / g > < / svg > < / span >
2023-11-04 14:36:13 +08:00
2023-11-06 14:37:35 +08:00
< span > 烦恼的原因< / span >
2023-11-04 14:36:13 +08:00
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2023-11-06 14:37:35 +08:00
< p > 分心开小差,很多人感觉可能不是个问题,甚至还对自己的一心二用而感觉沾沾自喜。比如跑步的时候考虑明后天的安排,吃饭的时候在担忧与他人的关系,睡觉的时候思绪像瀑布一样倾泻而出,是我们在不知不觉中徒生烦恼、...< / p >
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2023-11-10 13:57:47 +08:00
< a class = "timeline-item" href = "/2023/11/06/clos7hsmu000axqz3fl435jyl/" >
2023-11-04 14:36:13 +08:00
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< span > 11-06 13:19:17< / span >
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< span class = "icon status tip right" data-tip = "Done" > < svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < g fill = "none" stroke = "currentColor" stroke-width = "2" stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-linejoin = "round" > < circle cx = "12" cy = "12" r = "9" > < / circle > < path d = "M9 12l2 2l4-4" > < / path > < / g > < / svg > < / span >
2023-11-06 14:37:35 +08:00
< span > 改掉选择困难症< / span >
2023-11-04 14:36:13 +08:00
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2023-11-06 14:37:35 +08:00
< p > 对模糊零容忍。换句话说,就是想尽一切办法让自己找出那个最重要的、唯一的选项,让自己在某一个时间段里只有一条路可以走。如果不在这些选择的节点想清楚,我们就会陷入模糊的状态,它会使我们产生本能的反应——娱...< / p >
2023-11-04 14:36:13 +08:00
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2023-11-06 13:43:11 +08:00
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2023-11-06 13:43:11 +08:00
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2023-11-06 14:37:35 +08:00
< span > 11-06 13:18:46< / span >
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< span class = "icon status tip right" data-tip = "Done" > < svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < g fill = "none" stroke = "currentColor" stroke-width = "2" stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-linejoin = "round" > < circle cx = "12" cy = "12" r = "9" > < / circle > < path d = "M9 12l2 2l4-4" > < / path > < / g > < / svg > < / span >
2023-11-06 14:37:35 +08:00
< span > 非暴力沟通< / span >
2023-11-06 13:43:11 +08:00
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2023-11-06 14:37:35 +08:00
< p > 心理学有个史诗级的剧作叫做非暴力沟通,它能让一个人温柔而坚定的去说服对方。非暴力沟通大白话讲就是对他人足够的尊重,换取他人对你一次积极倾听的机会,所以这个技巧的核心是怎么做到尊重。一共分为四步
1.表...< / p >
2023-11-06 13:43:11 +08:00
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2023-11-04 14:36:13 +08:00
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2023-11-06 13:25:44 +08:00
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< span > 11-06 13:18:22< / span >
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< span class = "icon status tip right" data-tip = "Done" > < svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < g fill = "none" stroke = "currentColor" stroke-width = "2" stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-linejoin = "round" > < circle cx = "12" cy = "12" r = "9" > < / circle > < path d = "M9 12l2 2l4-4" > < / path > < / g > < / svg > < / span >
2023-11-06 13:46:32 +08:00
< span > 内部循环与产出意识< / span >
2023-11-06 13:25:44 +08:00
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2023-11-06 13:46:32 +08:00
< p > 每天早起、跑步、读书、学习,身体和心灵都在路上,然而这些都是内部循环,不直接对外产出,坚持这些习惯可以让我们成为更好的人,但不会成为更厉害的人。享受努力奋斗的同时,必须要有作品产出,参与到社会价值体系...< / p >
2023-11-06 13:25:44 +08:00
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2023-11-10 13:57:47 +08:00
< a class = "timeline-item" href = "/2023/11/06/clos7hsmt0007xqz3akvz5sik/" >
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< span > 11-06 13:17:08< / span >
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< span > 付鹏:逆全球化下的全球资产配置< / span >
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< p > 为什么会有中美贸易战?为什么会有特朗普?他们手上有个重要的东西,选票。法国人民手上有个重要的东西,什么东西?公会。财富分配,到最后是需要权力去平衡的,也就简单讲,富者恒富,穷者不富的时候,他手上会用一...< / p >
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2023-11-10 13:57:47 +08:00
< a class = "timeline-item" href = "/2023/11/06/clos7hsmt0006xqz32xf0gqro/" >
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2023-11-06 14:37:35 +08:00
< span > 付鹏: 展望2023年下半年全球经济格局, 异常的利差意味着什么< / span >
2023-11-06 13:25:44 +08:00
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2023-11-06 14:37:35 +08:00
< p >
08年的金融危机, 或者09年, 是一个重要的时间节点, 到今年(2023年),在座各位你们将迎来第二个重要的节点,可能对于很多年轻人来讲,最好的一个时代结束了,我们所有人的下半辈子的投资,注意,也非常简...< / p >
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< span > 10-24 09:47:38< / span >
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< span > 有效对话指南< / span >
2023-11-06 13:25:44 +08:00
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2023-11-06 13:46:32 +08:00
< p > 卡耐基说过:要说服别人同意你的观点,你就要让他觉得这是他自己的观点。也就是说,本质上没有人真正被别人说服,听或者不听都是他们自己的主动选择
或者按我们说...< / p >
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2023-11-10 13:57:47 +08:00
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2023-11-10 09:51:32 +08:00
< span class = "icon status tip right" data-tip = "In Progress" > < svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < g fill = "none" stroke = "currentColor" stroke-width = "2" stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-linejoin = "round" > < path d = "M4 20h4L18.5 9.5a1.5 1.5 0 0 0-4-4L4 16v4" > < / path > < path d = "M13.5 6.5l4 4" > < / path > < / g > < / svg > < / span >
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2023-11-10 09:51:32 +08:00
< span > Cosy 入门< / span >
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2023-11-10 09:51:32 +08:00
< p > Hexo 安装主题Hexo 主题的安装方式非常简单,只需将主题 Hexo-theme-cosy 复制目录的 themes 目录下,然后在 Hexo 的 _config.yml 中修改下主题配置即可
#...< / p >
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< span > Markdown Sample< / span >
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2023-11-10 09:51:32 +08:00
< p > Linear Markdown Sample
Heading 1 link Heading linkHeading 2 link Heading linkHeading 3 link Heading ...< / p >
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< span > 10-20 10:25:55< / span >
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< span > verdaccio 搭建 npm私库< / span >
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2023-11-06 14:37:35 +08:00
< p > 使用 docker 搭建 verdaccio创建 & amp; 配置config.yaml文件
# Read about the best practices
# https://verdaccio.o...< / p >
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2023-10-25 22:07:27 +08:00
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2023-10-26 15:09:35 +08:00
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"November": "November",
"December": "December",
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