
My job is to build your website so that it is functional and user-friendly but at the same time attractive.

Moreover, I add personal touch to your product and make sure that is eye-catching and easy to use. My aim is to bring across your message and identity in the most creative way. I created web design for many famous brand companies.


  • Familiar with Node, with backend development capabilities, experience in individual application projects such as SpringBoot, Egg, Koa2, and Midway, and experience in Nestjs microservice application projects
  • Having experience in Monorepo engineering and possessing the ability to separate the front and rear ends of a single unit and apply DevOps
  • Familiar with three. js, familiar with Vtk. js, with development experience in medical 3D front-end and graphics related fields
  • Master basic Linux commands and understand the basic use of Nginx and Docker
  • Educational

  • University School of the Arts

  • Work Experience

  • Creative Director

    2021.09 ~ 至今
  • Web Designer

    2021.01 ~ 2021.09
  • Project

  • PC/React • Annotation, Algorithm Data Center

    This is a xxx system. It mainly includes a b c function. I am mainly responsible for the development and maintenance of the x, y, and z modules.
    • Using pnpm workspace to manage multiple code repositories in Monorepo, supporting the coexistence of multiple frameworks, and sharing common component libraries and capabilities
    • Use Rollup to package some functional capabilities (such as a b) on your own, which can be used for both browsers and node.js to achieve code isomorphism
    • Develop the system server using Nest.js and use it for the microservice system of the project
  • PC/React • Tavigator Aortic Root/Peripheral

    This is a xxx system. It mainly includes a b c function. I am mainly responsible for the development and maintenance of the x, y, and z modules.
    • Using pnpm workspace to manage multiple code repositories in Monorepo, supporting the coexistence of multiple frameworks, and sharing common component libraries and capabilities
    • Use Rollup to package some functional capabilities (such as a b) on your own, which can be used for both browsers and node.js to achieve code isomorphism
    • Develop the system server using Nest.js and use it for the microservice system of the project