--- title: verdaccio 搭建 npm私库 categories: - CS status: done abbrlink: 12085 --- # 使用 docker 搭建 verdaccio 创建 & 配置`config.yaml`文件 ```yaml # Read about the best practices # https://verdaccio.org/docs/best # path to a directory with all packages storage: /verdaccio/storage/data # path to a directory with plugins to include plugins: /verdaccio/plugins # 包体积上限,默认10mb max_body_size: 1024mb web: enable: true title: Mozzie-NPM # gravatar: false # login: true pkgManagers: - npm - yarn - pnpm html_cache: true showFooter: false auth: htpasswd: file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd # 关闭注册,手动添加用户,默认Bcrypt算法,随便找个网页生成个密码,使用账号:密码添加到 htpasswd 文件中,例如 test:$2a$10$0xPGVnpcdxcfmFxtWyWDx./TRtm/W/gSzib/jck3w.sF9x.Ur8t8W max_users: -1 i18n: web: zh-CN # notify: # 配置 Webhook 推送到钉钉,记得修改 access_token 和 atMobiles # method: POST # headers: [{ "Content-Type": "application/json" }] # endpoint: https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=xxxx # content: '{"msgtype":"text", "at": {"atMobiles": ["13000000000"] }, "text":{"content":"NPM 发布新包:\n > 包名称:{{name}} \n > 版本号:{{#each versions}}{{version}}{{/each}} \n > 发布者:{{publisher.name}} "}}' uplinks: npmjs: url: https://registry.npmjs.org/ yarn: url: https://registry.yarnpkg.com/ timeout: 10s taobao: url: https://registry.npmmirror.com/ timeout: 10s packages: "@*/*": # 可访问权限,web界面看不见,不登陆,也无法 install 包 access: $authenticated # $all # 发布权限, $authenticated 表示只有通过验证的人 publish: $authenticated # 可取消发布权限 unpublish: $authenticated # 包不存在时的代理 proxy: npmjs yarn taobao "**": access: $authenticated # $all publish: $authenticated unpublish: $authenticated proxy: npmjs yarn taobao middlewares: audit: enabled: true listen: log: { type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http } ``` 创建容器,环境变量,`VERDACCIO_PUBLIC_URL`是静态资源的前缀地址,由于nginx挂了`ssl`,如果使用`http`可以不添加 ```bash docker run \ -p 4873:4873 \ --restart=always \ --network mozzie.cn-net \ --network-alias verdaccio \ --env VERDACCIO_PORT=4873 \ --env VERDACCIO_PUBLIC_URL=https://npm.mozzie.cn \ --ip \ --name verdaccio \ -v /www/wwwroot/nginx/html/verdaccio/storage:/verdaccio/storage \ -v /www/wwwroot/nginx/html/verdaccio/config:/verdaccio/conf \ -v /www/wwwroot/nginx/html/verdaccio/plugins:/verdaccio/plugins \ -d verdaccio/verdaccio ``` 配置nginx的反向代理conf,注意所在的docker网络,使用`container_name` ```conf server { # listen 80; listen 443 ssl; server_name npm.mozzie.cn; ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/npm.mozzie.cn_bundle.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/npm.mozzie.cn.key; gzip on; location / { proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true; proxy_pass http://verdaccio:4873/; proxy_redirect off; } } ``` 运行添加用户,报错,因为 `htpasswd`默认创建在宿主机,也就是上面挂载的`/www/wwwroot/nginx/html/verdaccio/storage`目录中 ```bash npm adduser --registry https://npm.mozzie.cn/ ``` 配置`htpasswd`、`storage` 文件夹权限 ```bash # 宿主机中执行 cd /www/wwwroot/nginx/html/verdaccio/storage touch htpasswd sudo chown 10001:65533 htpasswd sudo chown -R 10001:65533 /www/wwwroot/nginx/html/verdaccio/storage ``` # verdaccio 用户管理 由于在 `config.yml` 中关闭了可访问权限 ```yaml auth: htpasswd: file: /verdaccio/storage/htpasswd # 关闭注册,手动添加用户,默认Bcrypt算法, max_users: -1 packages: "@*/*": # 可访问权限,web界面看不见,不登陆,也无法 install 包 access: $authenticated # $all # 发布权限, $authenticated 表示只有通过验证的人 publish: $authenticated # 可取消发布权限 unpublish: $authenticated "**": access: $authenticated publish: $authenticated unpublish: $authenticated ``` 默认的 `addUser` 策略是 `Bcrypt` 生成密码,随便找个网页生成个密码,使用`账号:密码`添加到 `htpasswd` 文件中,例如 ```bash test:$2a$10$0xPGVnpcdxcfmFxtWyWDx./TRtm/W/gSzib/jck3w.sF9x.Ur8t8W ``` 因此在实际开发中,管理员手动给用户创建好账号,然后根据用户的包管理工具,进行登录,例如以 `npm` 为例 ```bash npm adduser --registry https://npm.mozzie.cn/ # 输入 Username: mozzie | Password: xxx | Email: (this IS public) himozzie@foxmail.com # 提示登陆成功 Logged in as mozzie on https://npm.mozzie.cn/. ``` 在系统的 `cat ~/.npmrc` 中会增加一行,就可以正常的进行以来的安装了 ```bash //npm.mozzie.cn/:_authToken="Do/wrh5QzsnYaNU4x3ZlVA==" ``` # 项目 .npmrc Scope区分 需要指定 `.npmrc` 来区别 `Scope` 的安装地址,例如一个包名为 `@mozzie/hook`,对应的私库为 `https://npm.mozzie.cn/` ```bash registry=http://registry.npm.taobao.org/ @mozzie:registry=https://npm.mozzie.cn # npm拉包的校验 //https://npm.mozzie.cn/:_authToken=xxxxxxxxxxxxx ```